Thank you to the School Social Workers at Somonauk #432! We appreciate you!!
11 days ago, Ashley McNurlan
Social Work Appreciation Week
A huge thank you to the Somonauk CUSD #432 bus drivers! We truly appreciate you not only getting our students to and from school, but also safely transporting them to all of their activities throughout the year!
21 days ago, Ashley McNurlan
Bus Driver Appreciation
Thank you to the School Counselors at Somonauk #432! We appreciate you!!
about 1 month ago, Ashley McNurlan
School Counselor Appreciation Week
about 2 months ago, Elizabeth Ness
This is a reminder of the great news that is going to take place in our school district on March 5, 2025 and March 18, 2025! Our school has partnered with Smile Programs…the mobile dentists to offer in-school dental care on March 5, 2025 at Somonauk Middle and Somonauk High School and on March 18, 2025 at James R Wood Elementary. Don't delay, register today!! If you are interested, please click on the appropriate link below for the school your student is in and register your student today! James R Wood: Somonauk Middle School: Somonauk High School:
about 2 months ago, Cassie LeCuyer
To schedule a screening please follow the link: or call 815.498.2315 x1224
3 months ago, Ashley McNurlan
PreK Screenings
Somonauk CUSD #432 appreciates all of our Substitute Teachers, but we would like to recognize a few that we have seen in our buildings most often this year!
4 months ago, Ashley McNurlan
Substitute Teacher Thank You
Thank you Somonauk CUSD #432 Substitute Teachers! We appreciate you!!
4 months ago, Ashley McNurlan
Substitute Teacher Appreciation
Thank you Somonauk CUSD School Board Members! Today we recognize you for your commitment to #432!
4 months ago, Ashley McNurlan
Board Member Appreciation Day
Happy School Psychologist Week to our School Psychologist, Mrs. Porter! Thank You for all you do for the Somonauk CUSD #432 students!
4 months ago, Ashley McNurlan
School Psychologist
VETERANS DAY and Somonauk School District 432 November 11, 2024 9:00 am Somonauk High School Gymnasium We would like to invite any Active Military Members or U.S. Veteran, and their District 432 families to a short ceremony and breakfast to honor their service. Please RSVP no later than 11/7/2024 to Ashley Jackson. Call : 815-498-2314 ext 1222 Email: SIgn up :
4 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Somonauk High School is looking for a Track Coach!
4 months ago, Ashley McNurlan
Track Coach
Somonauk Middle School is hiring a Special Education Teacher. Position begins in January 2025!
4 months ago, Ashley McNurlan
Teacher Position
VETERANS DAY CEREMONY IS COMING UP! PLEASE SEE BELOW; Somonauk School District #432 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11, 2024, in the Somonauk High School gymnasium. The program will start at 9:00 a.m. We would like to invite any U.S. Veteran or any current service member to be recognized. If you plan on attending the ceremony and breakfast, please click the link below to fill out the form or email Ashley Jackson at your name, branch of service, your job in the service, years of service, and if you have family that attends Somonauk School. We would also like to invite all Veterans and family to breakfast after the ceremony in the high school lobby, so please include the number attending. You may also call the school office at 815-498-2314 ext. 1222 to sign up.
5 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Happy World Occupational Therapy Day to our Occupational Therapist, Ms. Valeri! Thank You for all you do for the Somonauk CUSD #432 students!
5 months ago, Ashley McNurlan
OT Appreciation Day
Somonauk School District #432 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11, 2024, in the Somonauk High School gymnasium. The program will start at 9:00 a.m. We would like to invite any U.S. Veteran or any current service member to be recognized. If you plan on attending the ceremony and breakfast, please click the link below to fill out the form or email Ashley Jackson at your name, branch of service, your job in the service, years of service, and if you have family that attends Somonauk School. We would also like to invite all Veterans and family to breakfast after the ceremony in the high school lobby, so please include the number attending. You may also call the school office at 815-498-2314 ext. 1222 to sign up.
5 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Students from the sophomore class attended the IVVC Career Breakfast in Health Sciences at Sandwich High School on Thursday. Students had the opportunity to speak with industry professionals about their work, education and other day-to-day experiences in the fields. Professions that were present included medical assistant, nurse, counselor/social worker, veterinarian, physical therapist, radiologist and more.
5 months ago, John Korso
IVVC breakfast
IVVC breakfast
IVVC breakfast
IVVC breakfast
IVVC breakfast
Somonauk School District #432 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11, 2024, in the Somonauk High School gymnasium. The program will start at 9:00 a.m. We would like to invite any U.S. Veteran or any current service member to be recognized. If you plan on attending the ceremony and breakfast, please click the link below to fill out the form or email Ashley Jackson at your name, branch of service, your job in the service, years of service, and if you have family that attends Somonauk School. We would also like to invite all Veterans and family to breakfast after the ceremony in the high school lobby, so please include the number attending. You may also call the school office at 815-498-2314 ext. 1222 to sign up.
6 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Somonauk School District #432 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11, 2024, in the Somonauk High School gymnasium. The program will start at 9:00 a.m. We would like to invite any U.S. Veteran or any current service member to be recognized. If you plan on attending the ceremony and breakfast, please click the link below to fill out the form or email Ashley Jackson at your name, branch of service, your job in the service, years of service, and if you have family that attends Somonauk School. We would also like to invite all Veterans and family to breakfast after the ceremony in the high school lobby, so please include the number attending. You may also call the school office at 815-498-2314 ext. 1222 to sign up.
6 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Kelly Gosch, the new Director of Student Services, brings a diverse background and a wealth of experience to her role. A proud alumna of Morrison High School, Ashford University, Truman State University, and Western Illinois University, Kelly’s academic journey has been as varied as her professional path.. With a few credits left to complete her doctorate in Educational Leadership, Kelly is committed to continual growth and excellence. Her husband, Bob, is an administrator at Plano, and together they have three children. Welcome to #432!
7 months ago, Elizabeth Ness