Fleece / Sweatshirt 54" X 84" Bobcats blankets for sale! Click below to get yours today! https://omella.com/1qhlb
6 days ago, Ashley Jackson
IVVC Winter Outstanding Student
6 days ago, Elizabeth Ness
Congratulations to IVVC Winter Outstanding Student, Hailey Gilchrist in Graphic Design
28 days ago, Elizabeth Ness
Somonauk High School Spirit Heats Up the Halls! Students and staff are already getting into the spirit with Channel your Flannel Monday! The rest of the week is sure to be just as exciting, with plenty of opportunities to show your Bobcat pride! Don't forget to bring your spirit the remainder of the week!
30 days ago, Bryan McMahan
Reminder we are hosting a FAFSA Workshop tonight in the school cafeteria from 6:00-7:15 for all seniors and parents who would like help completing the FAFSA. A rep from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, an authority on all matters related to financial aid, will be here to address all of your questions. All students and parents are encouraged to visit our Scholarships & Financial Aid webpage for more helpful info and resources related to financial aid, scholarships and where to find them! https://www.somonauk.net/o/somonauk-high-school/page/scholarships-financial-aid
about 1 month ago, John Korso
To schedule a screening please follow the link: https://calendar.app.google/25tCJ1VzfMaWrDHv6 or call 815.498.2315 x1224
about 1 month ago, Ashley Jackson
Somonauk High School will be hosting a FAFSA completion workshop on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 6:00-7:15. The workshop will be administered by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission and will take place in the Somonauk High School Cafeteria. Students should bring their charged Chromebook with them. Please refer to the email Mr. Korso sent to Senior Parents & Students last week. You must create a federal student aid ID (FSAID) prior to Tuesday, December 10th. Any questions please email Mr. Korso at korsoj@somonauk.net.
about 1 month ago, Mary Plante
We are grateful for SHS Leadership group who prepared meals for Thanksgiving!
about 1 month ago, Elizabeth Ness
Way to go SHS Leadership!!!!
about 2 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Black Friday Sale for the 2024-2025 Yearbook! Order on Friday, November 29th before midnight using the QR Code below.
about 2 months ago, Mary Plante
Black Friday Sale
You're invited to perform with the Somonauk High School Concert Band during our winter concert on December 17! Somonauk band alumni, as well as staff, community members and band family members are invited to perform 2 easy holiday pieces with the high school band. If you are a family member of one of our 6th, 7th, or 8th grade band students, they can join us for the family and community band as well! School instruments are available on a first come, first serve basis. Music will be e-mailed out after Thanksgiving break. We will have one rehearsal on the day of the concert (December 17) at 4:30 in the SHS gym. Please come dressed in your favorite holiday attire! We are looking forward to having you! Feel free to contact Ms. Kats with any questions at katsm@somonauk.net https://forms.gle/MsnU9VqvPbBALJ2R6
about 2 months ago, Mary Plante
SOMONAUK HIGH SCHOOL ANNOUNCES ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARS Illinois Student Assistance Commission congratulates 6 Somonauk High School students on their academic achievement. Principal Eric Benson is pleased to announce that 6 Somonauk High School students from the graduating class of 2025 have been recognized as Illinois State Scholars. The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), the state agency committed to helping make college accessible and affordable for Illinois families, confers this prestigious recognition annually to top Illinois high school students. This year, approximately 16,000 exceptional honorees join the other top state students honored for their academic achievements since the designation was first introduced in 1958. Illinois State Scholars represent approximately the top ten percent of high school seniors from more than 750 high schools across the state. Illinois State Scholars possess strong academic potential and are chosen based on a combination of exemplary SAT test scores and sixth semester class rank. “We are very proud of these terrific students and congratulate them on this significant accomplishment. Many of these students not only excel in the classroom but also in extra-curricular activities, they are all well-rounded students.”, said Mr. Eric Benson – Somonauk High School Principal The following six Somonauk High School students were named 2025 Illinois State Scholars: Kaitlyn Grabow, Weston Hannibal, Emma Hohmann, Aiden Hopkins, Gavin Lorentzen, and Aldo Resendez While State Scholar recognition does not include a monetary prize, students receive congratulatory letters from ISAC as well as personalized Certificates of Achievement sent to each high school for distribution.
about 2 months ago, Elizabeth Ness
Thank you Somonauk CUSD #432 Substitute Teachers! We appreciate you!!
about 2 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Leadership Thanksgiving Food Drive
2 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Food  Drive
Food Drive
This Friday is going to be the last day to order this year's "The Shirt"! The Sports Marketing Class is wrapping up sales at Blue and Gold night this Friday. Shirts are $13 each. Checks can be made payable to Somonauk High School! Make sure to get yours to support the district and community!
2 months ago, Bryan McMahan
The Shirt
Please RSVP no later than 11/7/2024 to Ashley Jackson. VETERANS DAY and Somonauk School District 432 November 11, 2024 9:00 am Somonauk High School Gymnasium We would like to invite any Active Military Members or U.S. Veteran, and their District 432 families to a short ceremony and breakfast to honor their service. Call : 815-498-2314 ext. 1222 Email: jacksona@somonauk.net Sign up : https://forms.gle/CP5pVX5Pm1oDWftT9
2 months ago, Ashley Jackson
IVVC- Outstanding Student
2 months ago, Elizabeth Ness
Coaching Opportunity
2 months ago, Elizabeth Ness
VETERANS DAY and Somonauk School District 432 November 11, 2024 9:00 am Somonauk High School Gymnasium We would like to invite any Active Military Members or U.S. Veteran, and their District 432 families to a short ceremony and breakfast to honor their service. Please RSVP no later than 11/7/2024 to Ashley Jackson. Call : 815-498-2314 ext 1222 Email: jacksona@somonauk.net SIgn up : https://forms.gle/CP5pVX5Pm1oDWftT9
2 months ago, Ashley Jackson
Pictured are our students Landen Sweigart and Junia Johnson who both attended Senator Rezin's Fall Youth Council Meeting last week!
3 months ago, Ashley Jackson
youth council